Monday, September 2, 2013

Project Linus 2013

The advent of fall has reminded me that it is time to start considering Project Linus. For the last two  years, members of Akron have participated by making blankets for Project Linus, a charity that gives hand made blankets to local children in crisis. This is something that we typically do around Thanksgiving, taking advantage of the cold weather to stay indoors and get our crafty on. One of our favorite blankets to make is a tied fleece blanket, which is very easy, can be completed in a couple of hours, and requires no special skills other than a willingness to help.

Here are a couple of the blankets that we donated last year. I know there are more, so please send me those pictures if you have them!

I've enjoyed participating in this outreach for the last couple of years and am looking forward to doing so again this year. Is there any interest?


  1. Have pics on my camera. Just have to make time to get them out and onto my computer.

    1. Vanicus Corma writing

    2. Thanks! Send them my way when you do, I'll get them posted.

  2. I am in, and keeping it simple this year. :)
