Sunday, September 29, 2013

First Quarter RagSolution Progress Report

Lords and Ladies!!

 Can you believe that it is now a quarter of the time until next Ragnarok?

I thought the 25% mark would be a nice time for me to ask all of our Citizens to check in with their own RagSolution progress report.

For those of you who may not know, my penultimate RagSolution (first among many) was to improve my health and fitness level. I can happily report that I have found a few physical activities I actually *want* to do, and have started engaging in.  I don't have any sexy stats to throw your way (yet) but I am happy with the progress I have made in increasing my activity level.  As far as those other RagSolutions?  I have been fighting an itch to focus on a project that I bought materials for two Rags ago.  I bought McCalls 5647 a while back when it was discontinued, and picked up fabric during our Fabric Warehouse raid.

So Lords and Ladies...did you make any RagSolutions?  This is a great time to stop and reflect on your progress so far.  Did you start/finish those projects you wanted for next year?  Are you happy with the steps you've taken toward your goals?  If not, this is a great time to reassess and get back to it.  We still have plenty of time!

Let's check in again at the halfway mark, which is conveniently just before New Years :)



1 comment:

  1. I'm afraid that even my project 144 has been neglected.. I hope to fix that by next month.
