Saturday, September 28, 2013

Announcements and Dragons

  • Next week (10-05-2013) is an Eryndor Event that we hope everyone will consider attending. It is out at Chippawassee Park in Midland, MI and is hosted by the Thieves Guild and Fury of the Called. It is a two hour drive, so this would be a good opportunity to car pool. $3 at troll, weapons check at 11 am, fighting at noon.

  • Practices will be considered to be held unless otherwise notified. That is right, ladies and gentlemen. You will no longer receive weekly texts informing you that practices are being held. Cynar will now only send texts in the event of a cancellation (for reasons such as inclement weather or day events).  

  • Dark Harvest Party will be held this year on October 26. There will be no practice on that day. Cost is $5 per person. Open to all Akronians and their guests. We are also requesting that each family/couple/pair/etc bring a side dish/snack OR dessert to share and a 2L of pop or something to drink.
And now onto the dragons...

Astrid and I are plotting and planning to have some animatronic dragons for Ragnarok next year. They will by necessity have to be small and we have no idea if we can get them done in time, but that is our goal! We have cleaned out a section of my basement and moved a worktable down there, so we are well on our way.

Dragon work station
 Now I know we are small and don't have a lot of money, but if anyone has an extra $30,000 laying around, you might want to think about investing in this:

It is 20 feet tall, 10 feet wide, with a 7 foot tall opening in the gate and a 15 foot wingspan, and moves, roars, and breathes smoke. Think about it.

-- Kaelyn

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