Friday, May 30, 2014

Surcoat Saturday

Anyone and everyone is invited to join us Saturday after practice for a surcoat making session. I will be giving straight forward no-nonsense directions so that everyone can make their own, just-above-the-knee length surcoat, similar in style to the ones seen on Morric, Jack, and myself in the above KoA banner. In order to successfully complete this project you will need to bring:
*drum roll*

1. Fabric. Get something durable! The last thing you want is to shred it the first time you wear it. You will need either 1.5 yards or 3 yards depending on your bolt width. [the most common bolt widths are 48" and 54". To know how much you'll need, take your chest measurement (or waist if bigger) and add 6". If the total is less than the bolt width, you need 1.5 yards. i.e. for me it's chest: 46" + 6"= 52" < 54" bolt, so I need 1.5 yards.]

2. Thread to match. Thread is fairly cheap, and only you know what fabric you're using, so you can't bet a matching thread will be there (or that there will be enough for you to swipe some). I'd suggest getting nylon as it holds extremely well. (assuming you are actually using a durable fabric, it'll actually shred super thin fabric)

3. Sewing stuff (sewing machines, measuring tape, tailor's chalk, scissors, etc.). If you don't have any, we'll figure out how to make it work, but the less you need to borrow, the faster we'll all be able to work.

4. Hardware. If you want to get fancy hardware like we have on our surcoats in the pictures, (swing clasps), you'll need to get some, otherwise I'll have toggles there for cheap.

This will be taking place at the Royal Oak Church of Christ building that is just north of our normal practice area (the church building is located on SE corner of 11 and Campbell).

I hope to see everyone there, let me know if you have any questions.


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